The impact of implementing the international standard ISO9001-2015 on strategic success An applied study at the Arabian Gulf Academy for Maritime Studies

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Shatha A.Alwaan
Imran H.Abbood 


This research aims to measure the impact of applying the international standard (ISO9001: 2015) with its dimensions (organization context, leadership, planning, outsourcing, operations, performance evaluation, improvement) on the strategic success of the Arabian Gulf Academy for Maritime Studies by pointing out weaknesses And the strengths related to the application of the standard and the study of its impact on increasing the level of strategic success of the research sample.

 The researcher adopted the survey method, and collected data and information from personal interviews and a questionnaire that was developed to ensure the existence of a relationship between the variables of the study (International Standard ISO9001: 2015) as an independent variable and (strategic success) as a dependent variable. The opinions of (180 individuals), represented by the senior and middle management of the Arabian Gulf Academy for Maritime Studies, were surveyed. The researcher relied on the statistical programs SPSS.V24 and AMOS.V.24 in analyzing the questionnaire data, and the results of the statistical analysis concluded that there is an effect between the dimensions of the international standard, each separately and combined, and the dimensions of the strategic success variable and the overall strategic success variable. The research concluded with a number of recommendations, the most important of which is the senior management's pledge and commitment financially and administratively to the application of the standard (ISO9001:2015); Because this will allow it to achieve strategic success, increase the confidence and sincerity of the stakeholders, and deepen employees' awareness of business continuity in the organization.

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How to Cite
A.Alwaan, S., & .Abbood , I. (2023). The impact of implementing the international standard ISO9001-2015 on strategic success An applied study at the Arabian Gulf Academy for Maritime Studies. The Gulf Economist, 39(58), 29–74. Retrieved from
Conference Proceedings Volume
Author Biographies

Shatha A.Alwaan, Basra University, College of Administration and Economics, Department of Business Administration

        Prof.Dr.Shatha A.Alwaan

University of Basra , College of Administration and Economics

Imran H.Abbood , University of Basra , College of Administration and Economics

Researcher : Imran H.Abbood         

University of Basra , College of Administration and Economics



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