Impact of high-performance work systems in the innovation behavior - creative self-efficacy as an intermediate variable (A comparative Analytical study in public and private Higher Education sector)
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This study aimed to determine the effect of high-performance work systems in the innovation behavior through creative self-efficacy as an intermediate variable, The Conceptual framework and hypotheses development were built based on main variables of the study. The Higher Education sector (public and private)was selected,as an applied for testing the hypotheses of this study.The questionnaire a method was used to collect data from two samples the first sample in the public sector was (361) employees, and the second sample in the private sector was (259) employees.The study reached a number of conclusions there is a positive indirect impact of high-performance work systems in innovation behavior through creative self-efficacy, as well as a direct positive effect of high-performance work systems in creative self-efficacy, The results also showed there is a direct positive effect of creative self-efficacy in innovation behavior, Based on the results obtained it has been proposed a number of recommendations.
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