Human resources information systems and their impact on crisis management - an applied study of a sample of employees of the Southern Technical College
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This research aims to know the impact of human resources information systems in crisis management at the Southern Technical University, due to its impact on the development and progress of the institution. To achieve this purpose, institutions need to increase the awareness of their employees and increase their knowledge of the importance of human resource information systems, which can change the reality of work to new technological methods. The researcher used the questionnaire in order to reach the objectives of the research, based on the exploratory analytical method, and a set of statistical tools were adopted (skewness and kurtosis, descriptive statistics represented by the arithmetic mean and standard deviation, coefficient of variation, Pearson's correlation coefficient, path analysis to measure the effect between variables). These statistical tools were applied by (SPSS.V.23) and (AMOS.V.23) programs. The research reached a set of conclusions and recommendations, the most important of which is that the College of Technology has human information systems that manage the crises it is exposed to, and there are training and educational courses from In order to use management information systems programs in the field of identifying and confronting crises, as for the recommendations, the research recommends the necessity of increasing the generalization of the system to all departments and administrative units, increasing the number of employees trained on the program to facilitate its usage
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