Role of Strategic Planning in the Improvement Marketing Mix Elements (A Qualitative Exploratory Study in Al-Awsat Company for Marketing and Selling Food supplements in Basra) Role of Strategic Planning in the Improvement Marketing Mix Elements (A Qualitative Exploratory Study in Al-Awsat Company for Marketing and Selling Food supplements in Basra)

Main Article Content

Ibrahim Mohammed Saeed Shawi
Dr Claudia Iwob


           The study aims at clarifying the concept of strategic planning and its role in improving the elements of marketing mix and the degree of its implementation in the work of Al-Awsat Company. The study attempt to analyze the relationship between strategic planning and elements of the marketing mix in order to highlight the most prominent possible solutions that contribute to identifying the positive effects and mitigating the negative effects. Problem of the current study was the incorrect application of strategic planning on the elements of marketing mix in the Middle Company for marketing and selling food supplies. Through the use of tools and mechanisms that do not keep pace with technological developments in a highly competitive environment,  the vision is unclear in terms of dimensions that do not rise to the size of the company and its products. The study sample included a group of employees in departments, divisions, working individuals and delegates, where the researcher used the field interviews form and recording notes to analyze the study data manually to reach the results.

         The study reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is that strategic planning has a great role in improving and developing all elements of the marketing mix, and there is a weakness in product distribution activities and the company’s distance from the market center. The company works by opening more distribution outlets and keeping abreast of technological developments to improve the elements and activities of the marketing mix to achieve competitive advantage.

Article Details

How to Cite
Shawi, I., & Iwob, C. (2023). Role of Strategic Planning in the Improvement Marketing Mix Elements (A Qualitative Exploratory Study in Al-Awsat Company for Marketing and Selling Food supplements in Basra): Role of Strategic Planning in the Improvement Marketing Mix Elements (A Qualitative Exploratory Study in Al-Awsat Company for Marketing and Selling Food supplements in Basra). The Gulf Economist, 39(57), 117–154. Retrieved from
Conference Proceedings Volume
Author Biographies

Ibrahim Mohammed Saeed Shawi , American University / College of Administration and Economics / Department of Business Administration

           The study aims at clarifying the concept of strategic planning and its role in improving the elements of marketing mix and the degree of its implementation in the work of Al-Awsat Company. The study attempt to analyze the relationship between strategic planning and elements of the marketing mix in order to highlight the most prominent possible solutions that contribute to identifying the positive effects and mitigating the negative effects. Problem of the current study was the incorrect application of strategic planning on the elements of marketing mix in the Middle Company for marketing and selling food supplies. Through the use of tools and mechanisms that do not keep pace with technological developments in a highly competitive environment,  the vision is unclear in terms of dimensions that do not rise to the size of the company and its products. The study sample included a group of employees in departments, divisions, working individuals and delegates, where the researcher used the field interviews form and recording notes to analyze the study data manually to reach the results.

         The study reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is that strategic planning has a great role in improving and developing all elements of the marketing mix, and there is a weakness in product distribution activities and the company’s distance from the market center. The company works by opening more distribution outlets and keeping abreast of technological developments to improve the elements and activities of the marketing mix to achieve competitive advantage.

Dr Claudia Iwob, American University / College of Administration and Economics / Department of Business Administration


          Prof .Dr   Claudia Iwob

American University / College of Administration and Economics / Department of Business Administration


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