Editorial Team
Editorial Team
Academic degree : Doctor.
Title : Professor
IRAQ- Basrah- UNIVERSITY OF BASRAH -Basrah and Arab Gulf Studies Centre
Academic degree : Doctor.
Title : Professor
IRAQ- Basrah- UNIVERSITY OF BASRAH -Basrah and Arab Gulf Studies Centre
Editorial Manager
Dr .Basima Kzar Hasan
Academic degree : Doctor.
Title : Asst. Professor
IRAQ- Basrah- UNIVERSITY OF BASRAH -Basrah and Arab Gulf Studies Centre
Dr. Himanshu Tiwari
Academic degree: Doctor.
Title: Associate Professor
Institute of Technology managrment and Researches - Nagpur - India
Dr. Salami Dada Kareem
Academic degree: Doctor.
Title: Associate Professor
Associate Prof. / Lagos State University – Lagos State- Nigeria
Dr. Arqam Abdulrazzaq Miteb Al-Rubai
Academic degree: Doctor.
Title: Associate Professor
The Hashemite University- Jordon
Dr. Abdullah Abdulkareem Al Rubaiae
Academic degree: Doctor.
Title: Professor
The Candian University college- U.A.E
Dr. Abdulhussain Al-Galiby
Academic degree: Doctor.
Title: Professor
IRAQ - University of Kufa- College of Administration and Economics
Dr. Adnan Farhan Al Jawareen
Academic degree: Doctor.
Title: Professor
IRAQ University of Basrah - College of Administration and Economics
Dr. Sami Obied Mohammed
Academic degree: Doctor.
Title: Professor
IRAQ University of Basrah - College of Administration and Economics
Dr. Ahmed Saddam Abdulsahib
Academic degree : Doctor.
Title : Asst. Professor
IRAQ- Basrah- UNIVERSITY OF BASRAH -Basrah and Arab Gulf Studies Centre
Dr. Rissan Abdul – Emam Zaalan
Academic degree: Doctor.
Title: Asst. Professor
IRAQ University of Basrah - College of Administration and Economics
Dr. Ahmed Jabber Salim
Academic degree: Doctor.
Title: Asst. Professor
IRAQ University of Basrah - College of Administration and Economics