Instructions for authors


  • Papers submitted should not have been previously published nor submitted for current consideration elsewhere at the moment of submission to GEJ.
  • Papers can be presented in English and Arabic only.
  • Papers must be related to the aesthetic subject to the Gulf topic , which includes the fields of Accounting , Management , Economics , Statistics , financial Sciences, Information Systems, as well as theoretical and Applied Research in the field of the Gulf economy.
  • GEJ doesn’t take the responsibility of the contents, judgments, and the expressed opinions in the published papers. Neither it is responsible about possible authorship derivatives conflicts of the published papers in the magazine. These responsibilities have to be taken exclusively by the authors of the published papers. The responsibility for the content provided in the articles published and the opinions expressed are exclusively of the author(s) concerned.
  • GEJ is not responsible for errors in the contents or any consequences arising from the use of the information contained in it. The opinions expressed in the research papers/articles in this journal do not necessarily represent the views of the of the Journal.

Papers Features:

  • Extension: approximately 6000 words. (15 A4 paper ).
  • Title: 2 languages (English and other).
  • Authors: authors name, Affiliation, Department, Institute, Country, e-mail, Orcid.
  • Abstract: 200-250 words in two languages (English and other).
  • Key words: 3 to 6 descriptors in two languages (English and other).
  • Fonts: (English) Times New Roman, 10. (Arabic) Sakkal Majalla, 13.
  • File format: .doc.
  • Margins: 20 mm.
  • Line spacing 1.0.
  • Pictures, figures, and tables are placed in the body of the search as they appear and not at the end of the search.
  • Pictures are 30 mm*50 mm.
  • Pictures are 30 mm*50 mm.